Clearly Besotted Teasers Day 3

February 4, 2016 at 9:01 am 12 comments

Hi! How are you?

Welcome to Day 3 (well its kinda Day 4 on the Clearly Besotted blog) but this is my 3rd day of posting!

Today, I’ve gone from yesterday’s slightly ridiculous to today’s slightly sublime!

First up…Round Roses.

A totally beautifully two step stamping set.

The roses come in 3 different sizes and the leaves are two step too. You get a circle shape that you stamp in one colour and then the top image for the floral-ly definition.


I don’t know what happened to the colours as the yellow flowers look a little radioactive! It was only once I viewed them on the blog I realised the problem- but it was too late then!


Next up…You Are Wonderful.

Well yes, absolutely. You totally and completely are wonderful for coming to visit here, but that’s the name of the stamp set too 😉

Aren’t these blooms amazing? Clearly Besotted stamps does flowers so sublimely. I chose a more unusual palette for this card. The tulips are just lovely. I’ve coloured the flowers from the next 3 cards in 3 different ways. This card is using Copics/Shin Han and Promarkers (because I can!!!- and I’ve a limited palette in just one range so I just use them all!!)


I’ve added tiny dots with white gel pen. They really help bring the flowers alive.


Now-next up are the daffs. I tried using some Aquamarkers that I’d recently got and colouring them on heat embossed vellum. I love the soft look that it gives.


Last up… the same daffodils heat embossed onto white cardstock with the same Aquamarkers. I’m still finding my way with these and they’re not my preferred ‘watercolouring’ type medium but with a little more playing I might just love them!


I hope you can see just how versatile this little You Are Wonderful set is. For an A6 set, it certainly packs a punch and you’ll love the accompanying sentiments.

Do go and see the Clearly Besotted Design Team’s samples. Stephanie’s will be on the blog too.


They’re available tomorrow evening from 10pm (GMT) and I’ll be back tomorrow morning sharing my last samples!

Thanks for visiting


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Clearly Besotted Sneak Peeks Day 2 Today’s The Day- Clearly Besotted Stamps Feb Release

12 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Michelle Short  |  February 4, 2016 at 11:00 am

    Beautiful cards, Keren. Just stunning! And oh my word, your fussy cutting is amazing!! 🙂 xx


  • 2. Crimson Owl Creations  |  February 4, 2016 at 12:19 pm

    I LOVE all these pretty florals! Great color and all so soft and fresh too – – like spring!
    Take care!


  • 3. tsurutadesigns  |  February 4, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    gorgeous…absolutely lovely.


  • 4. Bev  |  February 4, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    Before I tell you how much I like your cards, I should tell you that you’ve made me smile this morning. It’s your “One more sleep.” I used to say something similar to the kids when they were little, so seeing your ‘one more sleep’ brought back sweet memories. Thanks for that! Those flowers are gorgeous. Pretty roses, and your garland is lovely. LOVE the tulips. I’ve been searching for the perfect tulip stamp for me…this looks like it just might fit the bill! Anyway, your coloring and watercoloring on them is wonderful. So pretty!! Well done you!


    • 5. kerenbaker  |  February 5, 2016 at 9:59 pm

      I’m glad to prompt memories. My kids will often count sleeps still! Something very lovely and childlike about it. It’s definitely a perfect tulip stamp & a great price too! 😉


  • 6. Michele F  |  February 4, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    Keren I adore tulips, so you HAD ME at the roses … but you’ve kept me with the tulips. I’m in love with the way you colored the last daffodils … OH my goodness … phenomenal!


  • 7. irishlatte  |  February 4, 2016 at 3:10 pm

    A line up of gorgeous cards! Love all the different versions!


  • 8. conil  |  February 4, 2016 at 4:54 pm

    Oh my. A virtual garden, full of beauty. The perfect coloring is beyond gorgeous but your fussy cutting is out of this world. Also, am smitten with all your color choices. Wow!


  • 9. karensteele0873  |  February 4, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Fantastic cards Keren! I really like how you used the white dots on the flowers – I might have to borrow that idea! 🙂


  • 10. Jackie J  |  February 4, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    What beautiful floral arrangements, absolutely love the tulips and your cutting skills are amazing.


    • 11. kerenbaker  |  February 5, 2016 at 10:29 am

      Thankyou Jackie! I just have a really decent pair of scissors!


  • 12. Miriam Prantner  |  February 14, 2016 at 7:14 pm

    I just love those tulips, so pretty and wonderful color choices!



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