Altenew: A Year In Review Blog Hop + Giveaway

December 28, 2021 at 2:00 pm 28 comments

Hello everyone! How are you? It’s nearly the New Year and Altenew thought it would be fun to have a blog hop celebrating our favourite projects. What a good excuse to have a blog hop plus a great giveaway too! As usual, the blog hop will begin at Altenew’s blog first, so to see it in order, please start here. You might have come to my blog from Kari VanNoy so a special welcome if it’s the first time you’re visiting me!

It’s really hard to choose my favourites from all the projects I’ve created, but I picked a few and I hope you’ll enjoy seeing them again! First up is a delicate floral what I like to call a ‘Bouquet Card’.

Stamping the outline in pink really adds something to the delicacy of the floral images. First I stamped out some of the flowers plus die cut them out. I started with a tent folded base and cut a strip out towards the right and backed it with some Matt Duralar (Grafix). I love the contrast of the solid and semi-transparent. The set is called the Build-A-Flower Tree Peony and it’s a beauty isn’t it!

The next one is a floral too- but with a simple colour scheme and no colouring!

I just love this Craft-A-Flower Cistus die set.

You might have noticed that I rarely choose the same colours as the flower traditionally is, but I did decide to go with white (they’re often pink too). Creating depth with white is a little more tricky, but armed with some vellum to separate the layers, it adds dimension really easily and gives a wonderful softness. A black background really gives a pop to the flowers.

Next is a defying gravity card…

The stamp set I used is called Folk Art and it also has a matching die which takes the hassle out of trimming round little details. I love how you can use it with different colours and it looks sooo different. Try embossing in gold and see how it takes on an almost Art Deco feel (I know, not the right style..but try it!). The card looks like it’ll topple over but it’s got a slice chopped off the back point of the card so it’s more stable.

My fourth card is probably one of my all time favourites, using one of my favourite sets Craft-A-Flower Antique Rose. The clever design of the different layers gives so much dimension and realism.

Having the flowers flowing down the card leads your eye through the design and extending the flowers over the top of the card (add an extra piece of cardstock to add stability to the structure) makes for a creative greeting.

I love this graphic that Altenew put together!

Altenew is giving away a $30 gift certificate to 5 lucky winners and a $15 gift certificate to 4 lucky winners! Please leave a comment on the Altenew Card Blog HERE or share Altenew projects with #AltenewBest2021 on social media by 01/06/2022 for a chance to win. 9 winners will be announced on the Altenew Winners Page on 01/08/2022.

There’s also the chance to win a $10 gift certificate for all the commenters on my blog, so look out back on my blog on January 8th and I’ll let you know if you’ve won!

What’s your favourite product that Altenew has created this year, or do you have a favourite project?

Well it’s time to hop over to Laura Jane’s blog. I can’t wait to see her favourites.

Thanks for visiting me today and I’ve added the whole blog hop list below. Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year !

Keren x

Altenew Card Blog

Alex Syberia

Amy Hill

Annemarie Caister

Bridget Casey

Cheryl Espie

Dana Joy

Daniel Diaz

Danielle Dunlop

Emily Midgett

Erin Thompson

Erum Tasneem

Fiona Duff

Helen Kalb


Jaycee Gaspar

Jenny Colacicco

Joylita Dsouza

Juhi Khanna

Karen Brown

Kari VanNoy

Keren Baker You are here!


Laurie Willison

Lilith Eeckels

Linda Westfall

Maryam Perez

Michelle Short

Mindy Eggen

Nancy Souza

Nandini Karmarkar

Natasha Davies

Nathalie DeSousa

Nicole Watt

Norine Borys

Pam Boedeker

Preeti Chandran

Reiko Tsuchida

Rosie Neustaedter

Sande Woodson

Sandhya Iyer

SathyaKala Sankaran


Tenia Nelson

Teresa Litchfield

Teri Wilson

Therese Calvird

Vicky Papaioannou

Virginia Lu

Yasmin Diaz

Yoonsun Hur

Entry filed under: Uncategorized. Tags: , , , , .

Clearly Besotted January Teasers Day 1 Clearly Besotted January Release Teasers Day 2

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