Something a Little Different

March 20, 2015 at 4:40 pm 7 comments


Hi! Wow- I’m glad it’s Friday! 

I’m here with a card with a difference. I totally love 3D- I’d spend all my time creating things like this if I had the choice.

Here’s how I created it 

Using circle dies to trace around ( why not make products do double duty?!) 

Next sketch out a maze type design onto the circles regularly spaced. Use your craft knife to cut the inside and side parts of each tab  

Using the dies as a template, use an embossing tool to run along the outer edges ( the uncut ones) of each circle.

Now carefully ease them upwards   


 Add some patterned paper underneath and then add a raised outer ring and some flowers from the Lawn Fawn Penelope’s Blossoms set 


You can see some slightly dodgy folded edges- problem being that thick cardstock doesn’t really want to curve like that. It wants to be a straight edge really.

I have plans- I’d love to create this into something a little more commercial. Have a range floating around in my head! 

Well better be off- I’m hoping to avoid injury today.

Wednesday saw me stabbing myself with a needle and bleeding all over a commissionned project.

Thursday saw me being accidentally head butted by the pooch. My lip swelled and is bruised today.

Today? Well …it’s not over yet πŸ˜‰.

Have any of you any craft related injuries ? x

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Dazzling Diva #67 A.Β 

7 Comments Add your own

  • 1. massofhair  |  March 20, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Ooooh what a fab 3D creation Keren, a great card and i can see your idea working so lets keep our fingers crossed for the future! So sorry you have had a bit of a week, you must be feeling a little jaded by the outcome of events, poor pup…

    Crafting injuries, well i am always stabbing myself with pokey tool, yes even drawn blood and occasionally have nipped myself with scissors, not pleasant.

    Have a fab injury free weekend πŸ™‚ xxx


  • 2. conil  |  March 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    Geez woman, maybe you shouldn’t be using a craft knife, either. But I’m really glad you did….this is such a fun design. Looks like you have some right brain engineering skills in you. Love the peeks of different patterns showing through. This card is delightful.


  • 3. Talida Ionita  |  March 20, 2015 at 6:04 pm

    Wow! Lovely project, Keren! I admire your creations and love how you manage to blend techniques and various materials into such great crafts!
    Look forward to seeing what future brings with your plans and the ideas you have in mind!
    Craft injuries… from paper cutting (don’t know how I keep doing this…), needle stabbing to endless possibilities…
    Have a great injury free weekend! πŸ™‚ xx


  • 4. Bev  |  March 21, 2015 at 1:09 am

    Very cool. Love this concept. I like to make “putzy” things. Things that call for intricate hand work, and take time to do. Except I can’t crochet or knit, and being dyslexic, I have to think about things for a long time before attempts in real life are made. Not too many craft accidents. I tend to burn my arms taking things out of the oven, does that count, lol?! I can see something special in this design, and if it’s what I think, I hope you go for it! Have a great weekend.


  • 5. Roxy  |  March 21, 2015 at 5:25 am

    Wow this is really neat do more of it really interesting


  • 6. tsurutadesigns  |  March 22, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    This is amazing!
    Oh no….take care of yourself!


  • 7. Jackie J  |  March 22, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    What an unusual fab design, sounds like you have had quite a week! I hope you have had a injury free weekend.



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