Forever Young Part 2 & Happiness!

October 5, 2011 at 8:39 pm 7 comments

Hello again! Today is another in my mini-series using the Forever Young set. This is a cuter card with a different feel. I did feel the poor girl (assuming its a girl- hard to tell with a silhouette!!) needed jazzing up a little so fashioned her a quick red dress. She looks a little warmer- poor thing with the wind blowing a gale at the moment too!!

I’ve added some glitter to one of the hearts- always reminds of those frosted grape things that get paraded about at Christmas. I remember making ‘frosted glasses’ with egg yolk and sugar for a dessert yonks ago; wasnt a pretty picture!

I picked up the bowl I’d painted today. I’ll take a pic of it and post it with one of the other cards. I love it- makes me happy. Speaking of happy, theres been just a little too much hilarity in our house today with one of my littlies friends for tea. Will was having so much fun that his face was bright red. Wish a bright red face indicated happiness; Last time my face was bright red was this week when Will and I were doing ‘The Biggest Loser’ on the Wii. It would coincide with the postman ringing the doorbell and me answering it looking flustered and sweaty. He’d obviously seen our exercising efforts through the window and smirkingly asked ‘been exercising then?’. I muttered feebly ‘something like that’ and shut the door quick. Shame we can’t all glow! Is that asking too much?

I’m procrastinating. The kitchen has got itself dirty all by itself again. No matter how clean I get it, it just spirals downwards. We were in the kitchen yesterday preparing a sandwich and Will was less than impressed that I’d forgotten to buy tuna. ‘But why did you not buy tuna?

‘Because I forgot too, I’m sorry’.

‘But why did you  forget?’

‘I just did, Mummy forgets things. I’m afraid I’m not perfect’.

‘Mummy, you are perfect’.

‘(laughing) I’m really not!’

‘Mummy I love you and you are perfect’.

Priceless! So not true- but cute all the same. So glad I can have my heart warmed like that. Super glad I’m not stuck in a smelly office missing little snippets of  his conversation. Here’s to staying at home (if you can)!!

See you soon (after I’ve purchased some Tuna!)


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Forever Young Part 1 & Almond Rolls! Forever Young Part 3 & Goodbye!

7 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jenny  |  October 5, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    I love reading your BLOG posts Keren, some stunning craft ideas, and a little snippet into your life. Thanks for sharing.


  • 2. Not Just A Mummy  |  October 5, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    beautiful! i love cardmaking and scrap booking too when i have the time, i can spend so long making a card not knowing if it will be kept by the recipient but each one is a work of art to me, i look forward to seeing more of ur creations 🙂


  • 3. peg  |  October 6, 2011 at 11:42 am

    So cute! I hope you keep the blog posts coming and more ramblings of a stay at home Mom x


  • 4. Ros crawford  |  October 7, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    This is so adorable … I love that stamp!! and I love you hearts and paper piecing … You rocked it!!


  • 5. zoë  |  October 7, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    I’ll be keeping my eye on what you do and keeping in touch. You will be missed from SU, but some of us will still plague you. Keep safe and have fun. Hugs Zx


    • 6. zoë  |  October 7, 2011 at 7:44 pm

      Forgot to add I love your 3 stages of Forever Young. They are unique and refreshingly different. Zx


  • 7. Emma  |  October 10, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    This is lovely Keren, it is a shame you are leaving SU! but hey as long as you are happy. Emma xx



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