Posts tagged ‘Milk and Cookies’

Mystery Christmas Stamp Set!


Morning, morning! I was hunting through my sets and decided to do a Christmas card but using an utterly non seasonal set. Guessed which set?

Milk and Cookies! So which other sets did you use, I hear you ask? None! As soon as I looked carefully at the set., I saw the straw and immediately thought candy canes! Due to the perfect flexible nature of the photopolymer, these babies can be curled & altered. I really took the straw to the max- it only just stayed in that position. Once I curled and stamped to the left, I curled the other way & stamped again.

I trimmed out most of the middle of the milk bottle & around the edge, so we could see the canes showing through.

The wreath? How did I make that? See the closeup…


I used these two elements-



The little circle is the centre of the wreath. The single line (which is normally used as the meniscus)

I simply curved around a little on my block and put one end on the circle & just systematically moved it around.

Just shows how with a little sneaky thinking you can create something completely unintended from the set.

Go and twist your sets!

At present there’s a little ‘bug’ going around the family. It didn’t last for long fortunately but due to school rules I ‘ve got two very happy and lively boys off. Anyone would think they didn’t want to be at school 😉 Let’s just say that my car got an impromptu clean yesterday.

It was a thorough clean. You know when that ‘smell’ just gets into your nostrils and you can smell it everywhere?! Worst still, my lovely Mum bought some soup for lunch. It was lentil and bacon with carrots. And you guessed it- it looked JUST LIKE…..

My friend Taheerah still has my password to this blog. Yesterday she told me she’d hidden a tiny pony in one of my posts. I’ve yet to find it- if anyone can find it, there’s a stampy prize up for grabs. That naughty Taheerah-I’d better change the password pronto!

love Keren xx

November 26, 2013 at 11:18 am 6 comments

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I'm a wife, Mum to 6, crafter, Christian and fortunate to be doing a job that I love!

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