Posts tagged ‘Chirpy Chicks’

Clearly Besotted Sneak Peeks Day 2

Hi! Welcome back for Day 2 of the Clearly Besotted stamps February sneak peeks. All these sets will be available on Friday at 10pm (GMT).

Today, I’m concentrating on the two chick stamp sets. I’m using ‘Chirpy Chicks’ for this first card

IMG_3766I looked at this set and the ‘egg-ceptional’ sentiment stuck out. I thought of an egg standing out from the rest and so, the card was born. I did a little masking and then did a little watercolouring. Simple.

IMG_3842I just think these sets are brilliant fun and so much more than just for spring or Easter. For the second set called ‘Cool Chick’, I went a little ‘off-piste’.

IMG_3751I was concentrating on the ‘cool chick’ element. You know, the one that’s too cool for school and definitely too trendy to actually bounce on a trampoline!

With interchangeable faces and those cute sunglasses, you can change the faces. Obviously the other chicks were just having a brilliant time without a care in the world. Maybe not being cool sometimes is just a heap more fun!

Do go and visit the Clearly Besotted Stamps blog to see what the other designers have been creating too!

I’m loving using these sets and I just know you will too! Do come back tomorrow for an entirely more grown up set of cards!




February 3, 2016 at 9:00 am 15 comments

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